Mīļā draudze! Novēlam visiem gaišus un miera pilnus Ziemassvētkus! Ceram Jūs redzēt ziemassvētku vakara dievkalpojumā (24. decembrī, 5os vakarā). Laipni atgādinam Seatles draudzes locekļiem samaksāt 2023. gada nodevas pirms gada beigām. Nodevas var maksāt dievkalpojuma laikā ar apgādātām aploksnītēm; citādi čekus var nosūtīt draudzes kasierim, Jānim Rubenim: Seattle Latvian Lutheran Churchc/o Jānis Rubenis11710 3rd Avenue NESeattle, WA 98125 Čeki rakstāmi: […]
Continue reading about Seatles Lat. Ev Lut. draudzes ziņas – Priecīgus Svētkus! un atgādinājumi
Since at this time it’s not possible to gather for worship in church, we offer this video that you can watch while sheltering in your home. This first video is in Latvian — next week it will be in English. We plan to keep making these videos until we can safely gather in church once more.
Seatles latviešu ev. lut. draudze un prāv. Daira Cilne Jūs aicina piedalīties svētka laika dievkalpojumos! The Seattle Latvian Church and Pastor Daira invite you to join us at upcoming holiday season church services!
Continue reading about Ziemsvētku Ziņojums / Christmas Announcement
Sveicieni 3. adventa svētdienā! Varat noskatīt video, šoreiz no mūsu draudzes:
Continue reading about Seatles Lat. Ev Lut. draudzes ziņas – 3. adventa sveicieni
Aicinam piedalīties dievkalpojumā valsts svētkos 20. novembrī. Please join us at the upcoming church service for Latvian Independence Day on November 20th.
Continue reading about Aicinājums uz Valsts Svētku Dievkalpojumu
Kalendāru var lejupielādēt šeit: /The calendar can be downloaded here:
Continue reading about Gavēņu Laika kalendārs / Lent calendar
Pievienots ir Archib. Laumas lūgšana par uzbrukumu Ukrainai. Attached is Archib. Lauma’s prayer on the attack on Ukraine by Russia (in Latvian only). Dokumentu var lejupielādēt šeit: /The document can be downloaded here:
Continue reading about Archib. Laumas lūgšana Ukrainai / Archib. Lauma’s prayer for Ukraine
Kalendāru var lejupielādēt šeit: /The calendar can be downloaded here:
Continue reading about Jan un Feb kalendārs / Jan and Feb calendar
Since at this time it’s not possible to gather for worship in church, we offer this video that you can watch while sheltering in your home. This first video is in Latvian — next week it will be in English. We plan to keep making these videos until we can safely gather in church once more.
Continue reading about Unto You Is Born This Day – 12/24/2021 service / dievkalpojums (angliski)