Dziesmu lapiņu var lejupielādēt šeit: / The song sheet can be downloaded here:


Mīļā draudze!

Pēdējā nedēļā mēs esam piedzīvojuši gan brāzmainus vējus un lietu, gan skaisti saulainas dienas – kā  dabā, tā arī pasaules notikumos.  Turpināsim cits citu turēt lūgšanās – vai kā mūsu Quaker draugi saka, turēt cits citu Dieva gaismā! 

Šīs nedēļās ierakstā Svētos rakstus lasa Dr. Jānis Sīpols.  Mūsu ērģelnieks Dr. Andris Āboliņš, kā ik nedēļas, priecē ar savām ērģeļu improvizācijām—un, pēdējās nedēļās arī atnesot ziedus  altārim.  Liels paldies viņiem abiem!  Kā arī mūsu video komandai Paulam Zommeram, Andrejam Zommeram un Ērikam Raisteram! 

Paldies arī jums, mīļie, kas skatāties svētbrīžus!  Un pāri visam, paldies Dievam kura Gaismā mēs dzīvojam un kustamies un esam! (Ap. d. 7: 28)

 Esiet svētīti un pasargāti!  Jūsu, prāv. Daira


Dear friends,

The prayer in this week’s worship service was written by Pastor Egils Grīslis (in 1976) in both Latvian and English.  I’d like to share the English version  with you: 

Almighty God, teach me to be silent – that I may listen to Thee. 

Deliver me from the empty sounds of this world, that I may not succumb to noisy claims, worthless words, small thoughts, loud slogans, shallow invitations, the useless crumbs and discarded fragments of life.

Fill me with Thy sacred silence,

Refresh, strengthen, and uphold me near Thee; that I may hear in silence, see in darkness and believe  in the midst of ordinary life.

God, all merciful, help me to hope in the power of Thy eternal love.

Christ, Redeemer,

Forgive – that I may seek to forgive; embrace – that I may be able to embrace; encourage – that I may want to smile; console – that I may be able to give support; strengthen – that I can gain hope; bless – that I may search for love; save – that I may forever remain with Thee. 

Christ, Savior, abide with me – that I may remain faithful to Thee.  Lay on Thy hands, warm the heart, enflame the soul, unite in faith, hope and love!

God, the Sanctifier of all, send us so to labor, that each day we might serve Thy glory;

To sing praise for Thy love, to commence with eargerness every worthwhile task, to live without fretting and complaining, and to know no fear even in the valley of death.

Teach me to trust Thee and to surrender myself in joy, for Thou dost rule, redeem and bless – in this life and in the life to come, for ever and ever. Amen.

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