Services & Sermons

Mīļā draudze! Pārsūtam vēstuli no LELBA ar informāciju kā ziedot tiem, kas ir cietuši Kalifornijas ugunsgrēkos. Turēsim mūsu apgabala draudzi Losandželosā, un visus tos kuri ir cietuši, savās lūgšanās! Laipni lūdzam piedalīties nākamos dievkalpojumos. Kalendārs ir pielikts ar dievkalpojumiem 2025. gada janvārī un februārī. Please see the attached letter from LELBA (Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) […]

Continue reading about Seatles Lat. Ev Lut. draudzes ziņas – palīdzība ugunsgrēkos cietušajiem

Posted by Davids on November 28, 2023

Continue reading about Dievkalpojumi 2023.g. decembrī un 2024.g. janvārī

Since at this time it’s not possible to gather for worship in church, we offer this video that you can watch while sheltering in your home. This first video is in Latvian — next week it will be in English. We plan to keep making these videos until we can safely gather in church once more.

Continue reading about Ziemsvētku Vakara Dievkalpojums / Christmas Eve Service (in Latvian) – 12/24/2022

Since at this time it’s not possible to gather for worship in church, we offer this video that you can watch while sheltering in your home. This first video is in Latvian — next week it will be in English. We plan to keep making these videos until we can safely gather in church once more.

Continue reading about Unto You Is Born This Day – 12/24/2021 service / dievkalpojums (angliski)

Posted by Website Admin on November 5, 2021

Since at this time it’s not possible to gather for worship in church, we offer this video that you can watch while sheltering in your home. This first video is in Latvian — next week it will be in English. We plan to keep making these videos until we can safely gather in church once more.

Continue reading about Take Heart – 11/7/2021 service / dievkalpojums (angliski)

Posted by Website Admin on October 2, 2021

Since at this time it’s not possible to gather for worship in church, we offer this video that you can watch while sheltering in your home. This first video is in Latvian — next week it will be in English. We plan to keep making these videos until we can safely gather in church once more.

Continue reading about Nāc un Seko Man – 10/3/2021 dievkalpojums / service (in Latvian)

Since at this time it’s not possible to gather for worship in church, we offer this video that you can watch while sheltering in your home. This first video is in Latvian — next week it will be in English. We plan to keep making these videos until we can safely gather in church once more.

Continue reading about Taste and See that the Lord is Good – 9/5/2021 service / dievkalpojums (angliski)

Since at this time it’s not possible to gather for worship in church, we offer this video that you can watch while sheltering in your home. This first video is in Latvian — next week it will be in English. We plan to keep making these videos until we can safely gather in church once more.

Continue reading about Es Paceļu Acis Pret Kalniem – 8/8/2021 dievkalpojums / service (in Latvian)

Since at this time it’s not possible to gather for worship in church, we offer this video that you can watch while sheltering in your home. This first video is in Latvian — next week it will be in English. We plan to keep making these videos until we can safely gather in church once more.

Continue reading about Steadfast Love & Faithfulness Shall Meet – 7/4/2021 service / dievkalpojums (angliski)

Since at this time it’s not possible to gather for worship in church, we offer this video that you can watch while sheltering in your home. This first video is in Latvian — next week it will be in English. We plan to keep making these videos until we can safely gather in church once more.

Continue reading about Aizvesto Piemiņas Diena – 6/13/2021 dievkalpojums / service (in Latvian)