Church Service
Since at this time it’s not possible to gather for worship in church, we offer this video that you can watch while sheltering in your home. This first video is in Latvian — next week it will be in English. We plan to keep making these videos until we can safely gather in church once more.
Continue reading about In Your Light We See Light – 3/21/2021 service / dievkalpojums (angliski)
Since at this time it’s not possible to gather for worship in church, we offer this video that you can watch while sheltering in your home. This first video is in Latvian — next week it will be in English. We plan to keep making these videos until we can safely gather in church once more.
Continue reading about Light! – 2/14/2021 service / dievkalpojums (angliski)
Since at this time it’s not possible to gather for worship in church, we offer this video that you can watch while sheltering in your home. This first video is in Latvian — next week it will be in English. We plan to keep making these videos until we can safely gather in church once more.
Since at this time it’s not possible to gather for worship in church, we offer this video that you can watch while sheltering in your home. This first video is in Latvian — next week it will be in English. We plan to keep making these videos until we can safely gather in church once more.
Svētruna: Klāvs Bērziņš, LELBĀL Vācijas draudžu prāvestsVijole: Renāte Kļaviņa, Zviedrijas Radiofona simfoniskās orķestra vijolnieceKlavieres: Ginta Vītola, pianisteVideo: Kārlis Žols, LELBĀL Latvijas draudžu prāvestsVideo montāža: Ieva Puriņa, LELBĀL Latvijas iecirkņa mācītāja
Continue reading about LELBĀL Aizvesto Piemiņas dienas svētbrīdis – 6/14/2020
The song sheet for the 2020 LELBĀL Vasarsvētku church service (in Latvian) can be downloaded here
Continue reading about LELBĀL 2020 Vasarsvētku dievkalpojums