Dziesmu lapiņu var lejupielādēt šeit: / The song sheet can be downloaded here:


Mīļā draudze!

Mēs šogad Aizvesto Piemiņas dienas svētbrīdī dzirdēsim vairākus dzejoļus, kurus izvēlējās un arī lasa Dr. Vaira Christopher, Janīna Janšēvica un Inta Wiest.  Paldies viņām!  Un arī Līvijai un Edvīnam Circeņiem, kuri no sava dārza atveda cēlos altāra ziedus–kalla lilijas.  Dr. Andris Āboliņš, mūsu ērģelnieks arī atveda sarkan-balt-sarkanus ziedus kurus likām pie Augšāmcelšanās sveces–atgādinot, bez vārdiem, ka mūsu tautas stāsts turpinas–no tumsas uz gaismu.  Pateicība Dievam! 

Sirsnīgi pateicos Paulam Zommeram, kas ik nedēļas gatavo video ierakstus, Andrejam Zommeram, kas tos ievieto tīmeklī un Ērikam Raisteram, kas to izsūta mums visiem! 

Katru gadu Aizvesto Piemiņas dienā mēs aicinām tos, kuri vēlas, ziedot Okupācijas Muzejam.  Čekus lūdzam rakstīt uz Latvian Ev. Lutheran Church of Seattle — ar piezīmi, Okupācijas Muzejam — un nosūtīt uz baznīcas adresi:  11710 – 3rd Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125.

Dear friends,

This Worship service of remembrance is in Latvian.   June 14, 1941 is a date that is engraved in sorrow on our hearts, when 15, 424 of our fellow citizens were loaded in cattle cars and deported to Siberia.  Eight years later, on March 25, 1949 and even greated number, 42, 125 suffered the same evil. 

We will remember them through poetry written at the time of the deportations, thank-you Dr. Vaira Christopher, Janīna Janšēvica and Inta Wiest for choosing the poems and reading them in the service.  The calla lilies on the altar come from the garden of Līvija and Edvīns Circenis.  Dr. Andris Āboliņš, our organist, also brought  flowers in the colors of Latvia’s flag–we placed them next to the Resurrection candle to remind ourselves of the light of hope in our lives. 

Thank you to Pauls Zommers, who makes our videos each week, to Andrejs Zommers, who places them on the internet, and to Ēriks Raisters, who sends them into our e-mail boxes! 

On this Remembrance day we invite those, who would like, to donate to the Museum of Occupation in Riga through our church.  Checks may be written to Seattle Latvian Ev. Lutheran Church — please make a note that it’s for the Museum of Occupation — and send it to the church address:  11710 – 3rd Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125

Blessings!  Dievpalīgu!

Jūsu, prāv. Daira


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