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Tags: Christmas, Church Bulletin, December, Latvian, Seattle, Ziemassvētki
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Tags: advent, Archbishop, Christmas, Latvian, Seattle, Ziemassvētki
Archib. Laumas novēlējums Valsts svētkos /
Archbishop Lauma’s greetings for Latvian Independence Day
Archbishop Lauma’s greetings for Latvian Independence Day
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Tags: Archbishop, Latvian, Latvian Independence Day, Seattle
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Dear friends,
Last Sunday was All Saints Day, but today, in our time together, we are going to continue to celebrate this feast day with the story of Bartimaeus from the Gospel of Mark. You’ve never heard of St. Bartimaeus? Neither have I! But—his is a story of faith—of courage in adversity—of calling out to Jesus and then—following him. And that’s what makes him a saint! And, that’s what makes us saints as well. The faith in which we walk—in our daily lives.
I hope you have been enjoying the glorious autumn colors—the beauty of the earth celebrating its Creator! Telling us—in the words of Julian of Norwich, that will be our prayer today—that All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well. And this is also faith—for each day, for each moment of every day!
As always, many many thanks to our faithful video team: Dr. Andris Āboliņš, Pauls Zommers, Andrejs Zommers and Ēriks Raisters. And—in today’s video, for reading the Apostles’ Creed—thank you, Aleks Zommers! Thanks also to you, dear friends, a.k.a. Saints! But, above all—to God, in whose love we live, and move and have our being.
Blessings—prāv. Daira
Tags: church service, dievkalpojums
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Tags: Church Bulletin, Latvian, Seattle
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Mīļā draudze!
Oktobrī latviešiem ir laiks pateikties—Dievam un arī cits citam. Dievam, par saulainām dienām, kurās varam priecāties par rudens krāšņumu un arī par mākoņiem, kuri dod lietu izslāpušai zemītei.
Un, cits citam, par darbu, ko varam veikt tikai kopīgi. Tāpēc—šodien ar prieku pateicos mūsu video komandai! Dr. Andrim Āboliņam, kurš ieprieciena ar ērģeļu skaņām! Dr. Inesei un Ērikam Raisteriem par Svēto Rakstu lasīšanu! Paulam Zommeram, par video ierakstīšanu! Andrejam Zommeram, par ievietošanu draudzes mājas lapā! Ērikam Raisteram, par izsūtīšanu uz mūsu e-pasta adresēm!
Jūs, visi kā viens—esat svētība! Un par šo svētību, es saku Pateicība Dievam! Un arī par jums, mīļie skatītāji—arī par jums pateicība Dievam! Priecājos, ka varam satikties reizi mēnesī!
Uz redzēšanos atkal novembrī, kad ieraksts būs angļu valodā. Tikmēr—priecāsimies par skaisto rudeni. Un pateiksimies Dievam!
Esiet svētīti un pasargāti—jūsu prāv. Daira
Dear friends,
October, for Latvians, is thanksgiving time. A time to thank God, for all blessing. For sunny days, when we can enjoy the special beauty of autumn. And—for cloudy days that bring the blessing of rain for our thirsty earth.
This is also a time to say thank-you to each other—for the work we can do only together. And so—to our video team PALDIES! To Dr. Andris Āboliņš, whose music continues to inspire us. To Dr. Inese and Ēriks Raisters, of the Readings. To Pauls Zommers for his artistic eye and the care he takes with making each video. To Andrejs Zommers, for placing them on the Church web page. To Ēriks Raister, who makes sure we get them in our e-mail.
They are a blessing—each and every one. And, for this blessing, I give thanks to God. And also for you, dear friends! I am thankful that we able to meet once a month—and—next month, in November our service will be in English.
Until then—may the Lord bless you and keep you!
Prāv. Daira
Tags: church service, dievkalpojums
Apkārtrakstu var lejupielādēt šeit: /
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Tags: Church Bulletin, Latvian, Seattle
Dziesmu lapiņu var lejupielādēt šeit: / The song sheet can be downloaded here:
Dear friends,
It might not be autumn yet, but we’re getting a “preview of coming attractions” as the trees start showing their fall colors. There is a special kind of energy in this season—do you remember looking forward to school starting? I do! And this year—I’m sure many, many children are looking forward to being back in the classroom with their friends as well as with their teachers.
We are meeting weekly for Worship services in our church, but in addition, once a month, you will also receive a video. Today’s is in English, but we will probably alternate languages. A heartfelt thank-you to our video team—organist Dr. Andris Āboliņš, our many, many Scripture readers (today—Dr. Indra Ekmane)—Pauls Zommers, Andrejs Zommers and Ēriks Raisters.
As we give thanks for the blessings of this season, let us also pray without ceasing for God’s help for those in crisis—be it fire, or flood, or having to flee your home for fear of your life. For those of us who would like to donate, our Latvian Lutheran Church supports Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) and Lutheran Disaster Response. You can find both online and it takes only a push of a button to donate.
Let us lift each other up to God’s Light.
May the Lord bless you and keep you!
Prāv. Daira
Tags: church service, dievkalpojums
Apkārtrakstu var lejupielādēt šeit: /
The church bulletin can be downloaded here:
Tags: Church Bulletin, Latvian, Seattle
Dziesmu lapiņu var lejupielādēt šeit: / The song sheet can be downloaded here:
Mīļie draugi!
Vasarai tuvojoties beigām, liekas svarīgi no sirds baudīt katru dienu un pateikties Dievam par svētību! Šodien nāk prātā jaunieši un bērni—kuri šajā vasarā varēja atkal satikties Mežotnē un Kursā. Gribas teikt paldies visiem, kuri uzdrošinājās plānot vasaras nodarbības—un paldies Dievam, ka viss plānotais tik jauki izdevās!
Pateicos arī par svētību, ko gūstam kopīgi Dievu lūdzot—gan klātienē—gan arī, kā šodien, tiekoties tīmeklī! Ar draudzes valdi, esam nolēmuši turpināt reizi mēnesī izsūtīt video ierakstus—nākošais jums pienāks 5. septembrī, garajā Labor Day nogalē.
Nākošie klātienes dievkalpojumi mūsu dievnamā notiks 15. un 29. augustā. Sākot ar otro septembra nedēļu—dievkalpojumi notiks atkal katru nedēļu un, divas reizes mēnesī, ar dievgaldu.
Paldies mūsu lasītājiem—Dr. Jānim Sīpolam un Ditai Kanapinskai! Dita pa vasaras mēnešiem bija Sietlā pie ģimenes — priecājamies viņu redzēt arī mūsu draudzes ģimenē!
Dr. Andris Āboliņš—ērģelnieks/mūziķis no Dieva žēlastības šajā reizē arī atveda ziedus altāra rotai—paldies, mīļo Andri!
Un—tiem, kuri ieraksta mūsu video—to ievieto tīmeklī—un izsūta: Paulam Zommeram, Andrejam Zommeram un Ērikam Raisteram—paldies, paldies, paldies!
Visu beidzot, paldies Dievam par jums, mīļie draugi! Lai Dievs jūs svētī un pasargā!
Jūsu, prāv. Daira
Dear friends,
As we approach the end of summer, I feel a real need to thank the Lord for each and every day—for the blessings of each and every day. Today I especially have in mind our children and young people who were again able to attend Mežotne and Kursa. In person! To every one, who dared to hope and plan all the summer activities—thank-you and paldies! And thanks be to God—for all blessings!
As we move to in-person Worship every week, starting with the second Sunday of September, we will still be sending videos once a month. The next one—in English—will be on the Labor Day week-end, Sunday, September 5th.
For today’s video—thank-you to our readers, Dr. Jānis Sīpols and Dita Kanakpinska—and to our organist extraordinaire Dr. Andris Āboliņs (who also brought the beautiful flowers for the altar). Then—to Pauls Zommers, who makes the video, Andrejs Zommers, who places it on YouTube, and Ēriks Raisters, who sends it to our email boxes—paldies, paldies, paldies!
Last, but not least—thank you, dear friends! May the Lord bless you and keep you!
Prāv. Daira
Tags: dievkalpojums